For the 4th of July AnnMarie and I traveled to her home in Washington, D.C. My family also traveled to D.C. to take advantage of a baton event for Keri Ann, and of course the big meeting of the families. It was exciting for AnnMarie and I to have our whole family together, and there was no shortage of laughs. Mr. J provided a tour of the monuments and the Air and Space Museum that rivaled the best tour guides in the city. Take a look at the heads of the family.
A two night affair that consisted of lots of meat eating, corn hole, major league baseball, a boat, Kirk Herbstreit, best friends, future family, and some girl calling me short. A great time was has by all but unfortunately the Indians couldn't pull off the win. Post game my trusty future cousin in law led
us to an Ohio State bar smack dab in the middle of Cleveland. Jamie and I got the nerve to go talk to Kirk Herbstreit who was exceptionally nice. Hang on Sloopy soothed our ears over the speakers, which helped me forget about some tall girl graciously letting me know that I was short afte
r I told her we were all there for a bachelor party. Enjoy the pictures.-DL

Daren you neglected to talk about the hot shirtless guy on your beer that you were carrying around all afternoon.
ah yes, it was a good time in Cleveland at the bachelor party. Gotta love that Kirk came out to celebrate w/ us!
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